Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Silver or gray....

So when Aidan announced he wanted silver day for his super hero "Silver Surfer", it threw me for one. The first thing that I thought of was, what the heck am I going to do for dinner that is silver?? Although dinner was really a least of my concern at the moment... do they have anything to wear that is silver? Aidan ended up having several gray shirts in his closet, so he was satisfied with a star wars one. Abigail doesn't have one darn silver or gray shirt! So we chose overalls with silver buttons :) It worked.

For our activity or craft, I googled all sorts of aluminum foil crafts. However, after thinking about it for a while I decided not to overthink the color and go simple. I pulled out all the silver bowls, cake pans, and silver spoons. I threw in a Latin dance music cd and had the kids go to town. I think I still hear the banging in my head a couple days later, but it was worth it. The kids had a blast!

My sister, Melissa, suggested I make sardines for dinner. I thought about anchovie pizza or sardines and crackers or even a piece of fish with the skin on, but again thought about it and decided to go simple. I cut up a bunch of veggies, some sausage, and a couple hotdogs. I put some extra virgin olive oil, some spices, and garlic on them and wrapped it up in aluminum foil. I threw it on the grill. I showed the kids that dinner was coming out of a silver package ;) Dinner was good and best of all... no pots or pans to clean!

Just a pic of our dinner and some of the bowls all over the family room floor!

1 comment:

  1. I am so glad you didn't make sardines. EWWW! Would they actually eat those????? Could you actually cook them?????? I am dry heaving as I type this.
    Rachel :)
